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The Western Wisconsin Competitive program provides players the opportunity to play competitive soccer. Competitive soccer requires a greater commitment than recreational soccer. The travel program provides quality licensed paid coaches, academy and team training, and year round training.  See below for important program info and program pricing.

Travel Program Timeline Overview:

  • Tryouts are Late June for High School Girls, late July/early August for all other teams. 
  • Teams are announced early August. 
  • Practices begin mid August.   
  • League games are played through the Twin Cities Soccer League (TCSL) in fall and spring/summer.  
  • The Fall TCSL league consists of 6 games and runs from early September to early to mid October.  Games are played on our home fields in Hudson or in the Metro area.  
  • Indoor Training is held at Catalyst and runs mid November and through April (1-2 times per week). 
  • Teams participate in Futsal or other indoor leagues in winter. 
  • Outdoor practices resume in mid April (about 2 times per week). 
  • The Spring/Summer TCSL League consists of 10 games and runs from early May to the end of June/early July.  Games are played on our home fields in Hudson or in the Metro area.


All teams will play in Hudson's Rivertown Classic (pending age/competition level brackets can be filled) in the Spring and will receive a budget for tournaments and other events each year.  Teams can choose to participate in additional tournaments at the expense of the team.

Player Evaluation and Team Placement (Tryouts):

All players wanting to be placed on a team must register for tryouts.  If your child is unable to attend tryouts, please contact Casey Holm to make other arrangements.  For dates and times of this year's tryouts, please visit the Tryout FAQ page.

Players are not guaranteed a roster position on any specific team regardless of age or previous team placement.


All competitive program participants will need a kit (uniform).  This kit includes a home jersey, an away jersey, shorts, socks, and two training jerseys.  We are entering a new kit cycle.  All participants will need to purchase a new kit for the 2024-25 season.

**NOTE: Kits take 4-6 weeks from the time a uniform store CLOSES, not from when your order is placed. 

Please visit for kit ordering info.

Financial Assistance:

WW realizes that while our travel costs are relatively low compared to other organizations in the area, there are instances where they may place a financial burden on families.   Our goal is to provide everyone an opportunity to play soccer.  Thanks to our sponsors and fundraising efforts, WW has​ a great financial assistance program.   If your family would like to complete a financial assistance application please do so at  This application is completely confidential, and only reviewed by two Hudson Soccer board members. 

**Please apply early for financial assistance!  It is a two week turnaround for a response.  Assistance needs to be applied for PRIOR to the season registration**

Volunteer: Hudson Soccer is a volunteer based organization and all programs are supported through volunteers. Traveling program parents are required to perform 12 hours of service, per player, with a family maximum of 20 hours, per soccer year (August to July). If you are unable to volunteer, a $480 ($800 family max) non-volunteer fee is required.

Refunds & Placement:

Any player who registers and is placed on a team and then withdraws will forfeit at least the $75 administrative fee. (Exceptions for illness and injury will always be considered). 

WW will do everything in is power to find a home for all players but if any player is not placed on a team they will receive a full refund.

Please refer to the refund policy linked here for details.

Additional Program Questions:

Please visit our Travel Frequently Asked Questions page.

Travel Directors Stacy Hydinger & Chris Olson


  • Coaches
  • Referees
  • Club Owned Field Maintenance and Insurance
  • Field Equipment (Goals, Cones, etc.)
  • Indoor Training (Nov-March)
  • Rivertown Classic 
  • 2 to 3 Tournaments per year
  • TeamSnap Software: For Team Management
  • TCSL Club Fee and League Registration
  • SportsEngine Website & Registrations

additional expenses:

  • Uniforms
  • Additional Team Practices
  • Additional Tournaments & Leagues

2024-2025 Western Wisconsin competitive Program Fees

(If registered within 7 days of Team Placement Notification) 
Age Level Birth Year WWFC WW
U15-U19 2006-2010 $1,550 $1,250
U13-U14 2011-2012 $1,425 $1,275
U12 2013 $1,400 $1,225
U11 2014 $1,375 $1,225
U9-U10 2015-2016 $1,225 $1,075
U8 (FIVES) 2017 $600  
Age Level Birth Year WWFC WW
U15-U19 2006-2010 $1,425 $1,275
U13-U14 2011-2012 $1,400 $1,275
U11-U12 2013-2014 $1,375 $1,250
U9-U10 2015-2016 $1,225 $1,075
U8 (FIVES) 2017 $600  


Payment Options: 

High School Girls Program (2006G to 2009G):

Pay In Full - OR -

Installment Plan - $250 down, equal payments on 8/1, 9/1, 10/1, 11/1, and 12/1


2006B to 2017B and 2006G to 2017G Programs:

Pay In Full - OR -

Installment Plan - $200 down, equal payments on 9/1, 10/1, 11/1, 12/1, 1/1, 2/1, 3/1, and 4/1.


2006 - 2009 Girls 2006 - 2017 Boys, 2010 - 2017 Girls
Early Bird Discount for Evaluation (Tryouts) Fee Ends 7/1
In-Person Competitive Program Evaluations (Tryouts) 6/17, 6/19 7/27, 7/28
Competitive Teams Announced, Registration Opens 6/24 7/30
Competitive Registration Price Increases 7/1 8/6
Competitive Registration Closes 7/8 8/10
Kit (Uniform) Try Ons 6/20, 6/24, 6/25, and 6/26 6/20, 6/24, 6/25, and 6/26
Kit (Uniform) Store 1 6/21 - 6/28 6/21 - 6/28
Kit (Uniform) Try Ons 7/15 - 7/18
Kit (Uniform) Store 2 7/8 - 7/19
Final Kit (Uniform) Store 7/24 - 7/31